Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Select a newborn baby you have cared for in the NICU and critically Essay

Select a newborn baby you have cared for in the NICU and critically explore the nursing care and management within the first 6 h - Essay Example aid parents to be sensitive and responsive to their infant’s behaviour and enhance social interactions, confidence, and practical care giving; interventions directed at infants and families with diagnosed developmental delay or chronic illness (Shelton1999, p.118). In terms of limiting sensory overload/deprivation, NICU is perceived as overly stimulating relative to natural uterine environment. Minimizing the effects of the NICU, advocates of this approach suggest minimal handling and reduction of sensory input. The protection from possible hazard such as bright lighting is perceived to minimize the stress response and subsequently promote enhanced stability and tolerance of handling (Phillips 2003, p.84) The stress signals of the autonomic system entail aspects such as bowel strain, cough, sneeze, or yawn, tremor, twitch, or startle, respiratory pause, gasping, or sighing. Stress signals of the motor system encompass aspects such as hyper-flexion, protective manoeuvres, gape face, and fixed and stereotypical postures. Newborn developmental care yield significant outcome improvements indicated by fewer days on the ventilator, shorter hospital stay, early feeding success, a reduction within the number of complications, enhanced neuro-developmental outcomes during the initial eighteen months of life, and enhanced parent/infant bonding (Ricci and Kyle 2009, p.720). Advancements registered in neonatal intensive care have largely enhanced the survival rates of premature infants within the last two decades. It is essential to highlight the non-verbal language of the premature infant signs of stress such as colour changes, change in heart rate, yawning, open and gaping mouth, change in breathing rate and pattern, hiccupping, extended limbs, and squirming. The signs of stability encompass: stable colour, consistent heart rate, regular breathing pattern, hand on face, sucking, smiling, hand to mouth, relaxed tone and posture, and clear sleep states. The newborn p eriod remain distinctively distinguished by the inseparable relationship between a mother and her infant. To facilitate the formation of an attachment to built, infants need to be close to their mothers to prompt their needs and mothers need to be close to respond to them. The process of reciprocity is adaptive as the mother discovers to recognize her infants’ cues, adapt to her behaviours and responses and satisfy the needs of her infant. Parents with an infant in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) experience numerous feelings of anxiety, depression, stress, and loss of control and they fluctuate between feelings of inclusion and exclusion relayed to the provision of healthcare (Ricci and Kyle 2009, p.721). Nursing interventions that facilitate positive psychosocial outcomes are necessary to minimize parental feelings of stress, loss of control, and anxiety. Mothers of infants requiring exceptional care start their experience parenthood in the unusual and intimidating en vironment of the environment of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nicholas Romanov Essay Example for Free

Nicholas Romanov Essay Nicholas II was the last of the Romanov dynasty rule as the Czar of Russia. His rule began on 1st of November and finished on the 15th of 1917. During the time of Nicholas’s reign Russia saw him go from the great and powerful â€Å"little father† to a much more dishonorable and weak â€Å"bloody Nicholas†. Nicholas II was unsuccessful and the reason behind all of Russia’s many downfalls such as WW1 and the Russo-Japanese war. Bloody Sunday, The October Manifesto and the Russo-Japanese war were all events that support how unsuccessful he was as Czar and prove that he was the worst ruler of his time. The Russ-Japanese was the beginning of the on going failure of Czar Nicholas II. The war began over both Japan and Russia wanting control over Manchuria, Russia was defeated and shaken. The Czars people began lose their faith as it started the many strikes and demonstrations in St. Petersburg. Starting a war was Nicholas’s plan to divert the attention from the national problems of Russia, however created the original division between the Czar and his people. The war was fought in the far eastern reaches of Russia and most of the population lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg, so talk of the war created little enthusiasm for people to fell about the war, which Nicholas was hoping for. Bloody Sunday was an event that brought attitudes and opinions of hate towards Nicholas II and branded him with the new nickname â€Å"bloody Nicholas† which also creates a sense of how the working class felt about their Czar. Bloody Sunday was the massacre of innocent peasants holding a peaceful petition led by father Gapon, outside the winter palace and through the streets of Russia. Peasants marched unarmed and carrying religious symbols on flags hoping that their Czar would show compassion and help his people like a Czar should. This was not the case. The Imperial Guard fired 3 shots before shooting into the crowd killing over 200 people and injuring many more. Bloody Sunday provides clear evidence of Czar Nicholas failure and how unsuccessful he was at addressing the problems of Russia. The October Manifesto was a result of the horrible occurrences of Bloody Sunday in 1905. The October Manifesto was issued by Nicholas II to serve as a response to the Russian Revolution in 1905, but in fact, created an even bigger problem for the Czar to solve. The idea was to create a Duma and grant public liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly and religion. The plan was to bring back the bond between the Czar and his peasants but backfired and led to failure. The duma was unsuccessful as the Czar still had full control and was unwilling to share, which created an even bigger uproar among peasants as it was beneficial for the wealthier individuals of Russia more so than the working class. Nicholas II was now dealing with two gigantic holes in society that couldn’t be fixed, proving how unsuccessful he was as a ruler. In conclusion, Nicholas II was a highly unsuccessful ruler for the three major events of his reign bringing him failure and eventually leading him to his abdication. Bloody Sunday, the October Manifesto and Russo-Japanese are all stages of the Romanov Dynasty that prove Czar Nicholas was ineffective and distorted ruler, who was unsuccessful in solving the problems of Russia, which led to the downfall of the country and the end of an empire.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Future of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Expository Essays Research

Any time in this modern era where one talks about the science of genetics, it is nearly impossible to think about the moral implications and ethical decisions that the future possesses. Currently, there aren’t many laws that govern this field of science, and one must wonder what will happen and how genetics will be governed. Two articles that I have recently read gave me a better insight on what to expect. In one article, the author, Deborah Gridley, discusses the heated topic of genetic discrimination. Genetic discrimination is defined as â€Å"discrimination against an individual or against members of that individual’s family because of real or perceived differences from the ‘normal genome† (Gridley 973). The benefits of genetic advances are quite clear. â€Å"As the genetic causes of many diseases are found, effective treatments and cures may be developed† (Gridley). However, with genetic benefits come risks – many of which are evident in America’s history of genetic discrimination (Gridley 974). Exclusionary immigration laws, forced sterilizations, employment and insurance hardships, ... The Future of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Expository Essays Research Any time in this modern era where one talks about the science of genetics, it is nearly impossible to think about the moral implications and ethical decisions that the future possesses. Currently, there aren’t many laws that govern this field of science, and one must wonder what will happen and how genetics will be governed. Two articles that I have recently read gave me a better insight on what to expect. In one article, the author, Deborah Gridley, discusses the heated topic of genetic discrimination. Genetic discrimination is defined as â€Å"discrimination against an individual or against members of that individual’s family because of real or perceived differences from the ‘normal genome† (Gridley 973). The benefits of genetic advances are quite clear. â€Å"As the genetic causes of many diseases are found, effective treatments and cures may be developed† (Gridley). However, with genetic benefits come risks – many of which are evident in America’s history of genetic discrimination (Gridley 974). Exclusionary immigration laws, forced sterilizations, employment and insurance hardships, ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Internet Affects Life Essay

Nowadays, the use of Internet is increasing especially among adolescence or more accurately, students. The Internet issue is discussed by the adults and parents. Most of them are worried that the use of Internet is dangerous to their kids. Some others said that Internet may bring benefits to their children especially to those who will be sitting for an examination. On my opinion, Internet has both benefits and drawbacks. First of all, let me talk about the benefits first. As we know, Internet is mostly used by students. By surfing internet, students can visit various websites to assist their studies. The examples of popular websites are , , and They can visit the websites and revise their studies in more exciting way. Some of them are free. Students can visit it anytime they want. The websites also provide useful notes and exercises. At the same time, students can get additional information that they cannot find it in books. For instance, they can go to ‘Google’ or ‘Yahoo’ search engines to search for more ideas to write an essay. In short, Internet provides vast informations and knowledge which is very beneficial for the students. Next, Internet also provides lots of social networks such as Facebook , Twitter, MySpace and many other. Through these social networks, we can add more friends and make new friends. We can also know friends from other country as these social networks are used internationally. Other than adding friends, we can also strengthen our relationship with our friends and family who are staying far away from us using Skype. We can see them in front of our eyes eventhough they are actually far away from us through web camera. Besides, Internet also offers entertainment. We canwatch videos of our favourite artists by just one click through ‘Youtube’ website. We can also watch favourite movies without paying. Plus, there are many artists born from ‘Youtube’. So, fans can know more about the artists from Youtube. Meanwhile, provides tracks, videos and files that can be  downloaded for free! Internet users can enjoy themselves at anytime watching their favourite artists’ performance for free. Internet doen not only offersbenefits for students but also to those who want to gain more money. It also provides business opportunities. As for example, gives a wide room for surfers to promote anything they want to sell. Through this, people with no job can gain money and support their lives by doing the online business. However, as I said earlier, Internet also brings bad effects to its users. Firstly, it can encourage cyber crimes. Besides that, students who spend too much time on Internet may neglect their studies and do not finish their homework. This should be avoided as studies are important especially to teenagers. Although Internet can add more friends to our list, yet, it still can develop anti-social behaviour. Not all of the users use Internet to make friends, someof them only play video games or just sit down wayching videos on Youtube. They will only sit and ignore what is happening around them. The worst thing is, they may not realise that there is an earthquake out there! This anti-social behaviour may leads to health problems. The users will just stay at home and sit in front of computer and this will cause them to be lazy couch potatoes. It will also lead to obesity. Next, most students will not attracted to surf knowledgeable websites, but wasting their time on other non-beneficial things. Wasting timeon Internet can cause students to neglect their studies. Not only time is wasted but also money. With the uses of more electricity non-stop, utility bills may increase dramatically. We just not pay for the electric bills but also internet monthly bills. The conclusion is, everything has its own benefits and drawbacks. However, it depends on how we are using it. If we spend more time using it for benefits, we will get positive effects. But if we use it more to non-beneficial things, we will get negative effects. So, it depends on you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 30

Alfonso XIII was a small four-star hotel set back from the Puerta de Jerez and surrounded by a thick wrought-iron fence and lilacs. David made his way up the marble stairs. As he reached for the door, it magically opened, and a bellhop ushered him inside. â€Å"Baggage, senor? May I help you?† â€Å"No, thanks. I need to see the concierge.† The bellhop looked hurt, as if something in their two-second encounter had not been satisfactory. â€Å"Por aqui, senor.† He led Becker into the lobby, pointed to the concierge, and hurried off. The lobby was exquisite, small and elegantly appointed. Spain's Golden Age had long since passed, but for a while in the mid-1600s, this small nation had ruled the world. The room was a proud reminder of that era-suits of armor, military etchings, and a display case of gold ingots from the New World. Hovering behind the counter marked conserje was a trim, well-groomed man smiling so eagerly that it appeared he'd waited his entire life to be of assistance. â€Å"En que puedo servirle, senor? How may I serve you?† He spoke with an affected lisp and ran his eyes up and down Becker's body. Becker responded in Spanish. â€Å"I need to speak to Manuel.† The man's well-tanned face smiled even wider. â€Å"Si, si, senor. I am Manuel. What is it you desire?† â€Å"Senor Roldan at Escortes Belen told me you would-â€Å" The concierge silenced Becker with a wave and glanced nervously around the lobby. â€Å"Why don't you step over here?† He led Becker to the end of the counter. â€Å"Now,† he continued, practically in a whisper. â€Å"How may I help you?† Becker began again, lowering his voice. â€Å"I need to speak to one of his escorts whom I believe is dining here. Her name is Rocio.† The concierge let out his breath as though overwhelmed. â€Å"Aaah, Rocio-a beautiful creature.† â€Å"I need to see her immediately.† â€Å"But, senor, she is with a client.† Becker nodded apologetically. â€Å"It's important.† A matter of national security. The concierge shook his head. â€Å"Impossible. Perhaps if you left a-† â€Å"It will only take a moment. Is she in the dining room?† The concierge shook his head. â€Å"Our dining room closed half an hour ago. I'm afraid Rocio and her guest have retired for the evening. If you'd like to leave me a message, I can give it to her in the morning.† He motioned to the bank of numbered message boxes behind him. â€Å"If I could just call her room and-â€Å" â€Å"I'm sorry,† the concierge said, his politeness evaporating. â€Å"The Alfonso XIII has strict policies regarding client privacy.† Becker had no intention of waiting ten hours for a fat man and a prostitute to wander down for breakfast. â€Å"I understand,† Becker said. â€Å"Sorry to bother you.† He turned and walked back into the lobby. He strode directly to a cherry roll-top desk that had caught his eye on his way in. It held a generous supply of Alfonso XIII postcards and stationery as well as pens and envelopes. Becker sealed a blank piece of paper in an envelope and wrote one word on the envelope. ROCIO. Then he went back to the concierge. â€Å"I'm sorry to trouble you again,† Becker said approaching sheepishly. â€Å"I'm being a bit of a fool, I know. I was hoping to tell Rocio personally how much I enjoyed our time together the other day. But I'm leaving town tonight. Perhaps I'll just leave her a note after all.† Becker laid the envelope on the counter. The concierge looked down at the envelope and clucked sadly to himself. Another lovesick heterosexual, he thought. What a waste. He looked up and smiled. â€Å"But of course, Mr†¦.?† â€Å"Buisan,† Becker said. â€Å"Miguel Buisan.† â€Å"Of course. I'll be sure Rocio gets this in the morning.† â€Å"Thank you.† Becker smiled and turned to go. The concierge, after discreetly checking out Becker's backside, scooped up the envelope off the counter and turned to the bank of numbered slots on the wall behind him. Just as the man slipped the envelope into one of the slots, Becker spun with one final inquiry. â€Å"Where might I call a taxi?† The concierge turned from the wall of cubbyholes and answered. But Becker did not hear his response. The timing had been perfect. The concierge's hand was just emerging from a box marked Suite 301. Becker thanked the concierge and slowly wandered off looking for the elevator. In and out, he repeated to himself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chinese Stereotypes Reflected in Movies

Chinese Stereotypes Reflected in Movies Introduction Perceptions of alien cultures are normally formed through a series of impressions from varied sources. Some may be newspaper articles written about people from that land; others may be books on the same while others are television programs or movies about that culture.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Chinese Stereotypes Reflected in Movies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Every contact that an individual has with any of these avenues can either contribute to a deeper and true understanding of the alien culture or it may lead to a prejudicial and mistaken image or perception of the group. This research will focus on the Chinese as the alien culture and western audiences as the reference group formulating these images. Movies will be the communication medium that gets this information out. An analysis of Chinese stereotypes reflected in movies Background of the research China has had a tumultuous history over the past five decades. It underwent a cultural revolution in which its leaders tried to eliminate foreign (especially western) elements of culture in their land. This has the result of isolating China and Chinese culture from the rest of the world (Spence, 2010). Its people were inaccessible and many people did not understand them subsequently. Much has changed in China since the 1970s because the Chinese have travelled around the world and the world has gone to China. Nonetheless, these interactions do not guarantee accurate and well grounded understandings of the Chinese people. Some westerners still choose to look at them based on their past political, social and cultural misgivings and these perceptions get conveyed through communications and media. Alternatively, others may see them for what they are but may choose to focus on the negatives inherent in their culture and this leads to formation of stereotypes (Terraciano et. al, 2005). Further still, most westerners may no t have the time to visit China and may therefore rely on television and movies for information on its culture (Sheridian, 2006). What audiences see on the cinemas or across their screens will eventually determine their treatment of the Chinese people if they come into contact with them. Indeed, it has been asserted that several movie roles containing Chinese actors have some commonalities. It is critical to examine whether these roles are tolerant or prejudicial and whether they lead to a better understanding of the Chinese people or a distorted image of them (Cogan, 2005). Societies can either get along with another or be more alienated from each other depending on their perceptions. It is therefore critical to look at how these perceptions are created.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Purposes of carrying out the research The main research objective will be to:  "Analyse Chinese stereotypes in movies† The specific objectives will include: To identify the various stereotypical depictions of the Chinese in movies To determine the relationship between Chinese stereotype roles in movies and their real life roles To assess whether Chinese stereotypes in movies harm or contribute to an understanding between China and the western world The specific objectives in this case focus on unravelling the nature of stereotypes of the Chinese with particular emphasis on movies as the source of the stereotypes; this particularly refers to specific objective one. The objectives also focus on comparing these stereotypes with actual social roles. In other words, the research will be focusing on placing the stereotypes in context and showing whether there is a gap between the actual and the perceived. This will demonstrate whether these stereotypes actually are a misunderstanding of the Chinese people or not. The comparison lies in specific objective two . Lastly the research aims at relating these stereotypes to cultural tolerance by examining whether the stereotypes are promoting an understanding between westerners and the Chinese or whether they are actually alienating them from one another as seen through specific objective three. Research questions In the focus group, the following questions will be asked: â€Å"What are the common stereotypes on Chinese intellect in movies? What are the common stereotypes on the kind of lives they lead? What are the stereotypes of the Chinese on their attitudes towards food? What are the stereotypes on their values systems? What are the stereotypes on their attitudes to work? What are the stereotypes on their personalities? What are the stereotypes on gender roles? How do these Chinese stereotypes in movies help or hinder an understanding of the Chinese?† In the questionnaires, participants will be required to answer these questions by selecting a response between 1 and 5. The questionn aire will require Chinese and non Chinese participants to respond the research questions below: â€Å"Do you agree that the Chinese tend to conform to authority? Do you agree that the Chinese are passionate about food? Do you agree that gender relations in China are unfair?Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Chinese Stereotypes Reflected in Movies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Do you agree that the Chinese live dull and boring lives? Do you agree that the Chinese are hardworking? Do you agree that the Chinese fear confrontation? Do you agree that manners are very important to the Chinese?† Responses to these questions by the Chinese participants will constitute the x variable (which represent actual Chinese roles in real life) while responses to the same question by non Chinese participants will constitute the y variable which will be the Chinese stereotypes reflected in movies. Possible ethical challenges i n the research Since this will be a research involving human subjects, then a range of ethical issues need to be covered by the latter group. First of all, informed consent will be an important part of this process because the information under analysis will not be public information. The research participants will be specifically picked and they need to be aware that the information they provide will be part of a research publication which will be available to the public (Sharf, 2006). Participants in this research will be told what the research entails and their express permission will be sought. The contributors to the research will also have some privacy concerns which need to be incorporated during the research process. In other words, some may feel like some questions are too intrusive or relate to their personal lives. In the actual research, precedence will be given to questions that only relate to the research objectives. Very little attention will be given to unnecessary o r intrusive questions. Also, other participants will require a certain level of anonymity especially because culturally related studies may be sensitive and controversial. To this end, all the subjects will be identified by a number rather than their names throughout the research process and in the research report as well. Issues of responsibility from the part of the researcher will need to be considered as well. Sometimes, the researcher will have to mislead the participants in order to get what he or she is looking for but this should be kept at a minimum. The researcher will conduct the investigation in an honest way.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Numerous issues will have to be covered in terms of copyright infringement and authorship. Taking credit for another researcher’s work is not tolerated and will therefore not occur in this research. All the external information will be properly referenced. Also, issues of fabrication may crop up. Some researchers may decide to change data or may use personal biases if the research is qualitative. The subject matter which is Chinese stereotypes in movies could expose some biases in western audiences and these cannot be neutralised or exaggerated through interventions made by the researcher so no such things will be done. It is not ethical to overstate the number of subjects and this will not occur in the subsequent publication (Hobbs Wright, 2006). Methodological outline This research will use mixed research methods, i.e. a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative aspect will involve the use of questionnaires and the qualitative aspect will entai l a focus group. Because specific objective one is qualitative in nature i.e. the identification of Chinese stereotypes in movies then this will be done through the focus group. Also, specific objective three which focuses on assessing whether the stereotypes leads to misunderstandings or understandings between western and Chinese cultures is also qualitative in nature because it involves providing an in depth look at a social phenomenon that it is context specific (Hesse-Biber Leavy, 2006). The qualitative aspect will be through the use of focus groups. On the other hand, specific objective three will require quantitative analysis because it attempts to make a generalisation about the issues of Chinese stereotypes as compared to their actual roles. Therefore, many cases of these comparisons will be looked at in order to draw out a pattern on their relationships. This part will be done through the use of questionnaires. Mixed methods for the research were selected because of the ad vantages they would create in the paper. First of all, they provide room for triangulation. In any research, there is always the possibility of external influencers in the research. Mixed methods reduce the effects of these interferers on the results and therefore contribute towards consistent results. Additionally, the mixed methods will introduce complementarities into the research. One method may not be that specific and may require another one in order to enrich it (Uwe, 2007). In this particular research, the quantitative method which employs the use of questionnaires will not offer some additional and deeper issues concerning Chinese stereotype depictions in movies especially on the nature of the depictions themselves and the effects they have upon the two cultures. To this end, focus group analysis was introduced in order to bring in those different dimensions. Also their open ended nature contributes more to these insights because it ensures that participants are not trapped by the narrow views of the researcher. Furthermore, mixed methods contribute towards a development process in the research. This is because one method can give partial results and then it may need another method to complete it. In this regard, the focus group method will be a development of the quantitative questionnaires. All in all, the use of more than one method in research will ensure that the paper is rich and detailed. It will also entail the expansion of the study on interactions between Chinese and western cultures. This research design will bring out better results owing to the fact that most of the strategy entails utilisation of mixed methods. Further still, it is likely that the scope and quality of this research will be much greater than it would have been if it depended on only one method. The research aims at being more expansive on issues of cultural interactions; by increasing the level of accountability, the research report will be more critical and more reflexiv e (Neuman, 2007). Proposed data analysis Data analysis will need to be done in two phases owing to the fact that two methods were used in the research Focus group data analysis: as stated earlier, the research questions that were qualitative in nature included specific objective one and three which attempted to determine the nature of Chinese stereotypes and to assess the impact that the stereotypes have on understandings or misunderstandings between the two cultures. These objectives will be analysed through a step by step procedure. First, the transcripts recording all the focus group sessions will be obtained and so will observation notes as well the audio tapes. It should be noted that these various ways of recording were employed in order to capture every single piece of information conveyed by the contributors (Litoseliti, 2005). The data will need to be organised first. Here, the responses will be arranged in a manner that falls in line with the research questions. In other w ords, all the key points that the research will unravel will be categorised through the specified research objectives. Key points will be determined by having a look at the things that the participants wanted to talk about mostly. They will then be coded into certain variables such as gender relations, Chinese value systems, reverence for authority and diligence. After categorising the key points, the research will then review that information in order to confirm some of the stated objectives. For example, it will look at some of the issues that were assumed to be certain but then challenged in the focus group. It will also look at some of the issues that had been suspected but were confirmed or even challenged by members of the focus group. New data that had not been thought of certainly will also be reviewed. All the data will be codified under agreed upon codes. Since it may sometimes be difficult to decide this by oneself, it will be essential to look for external parties to hel p in this codifying process (Silverman, 2005). Neutral individuals can contribute towards better results because they are not blocked by previous conceptions of the same. The analysis will then be verified by another external party so as to make sure that there is sufficient evidence to make the conclusions in the research report. If the external party will come to the same conclusion as the researcher then this means that the data was properly analysed. The quantitative aspect of the research will be analysed through the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The data has to be related to the research objective (Piantadosi et. al, 2007) which was to ‘To determine the relationship between Chinese stereotype roles in movies and their real life roles’. The x variable in this case will be elements that reflect real life roles and the y variable will be the elements that symbolise stereotypes of the Chinese in movies. The ranks assigned to both will be one to five depending on whether participants agree or disagree with each element on the research. 1 will be for ‘strongly disagree’ while 5 will represent the other end of the scale which will be ‘strongly agree’. The data analysis will commence by creation of two columns first. Column 1 will be labelled Xi – containing of all the elements that will depict Chinese roles as seen in real life and the next column will be labelled xi and this will be an indication of the rankings assigned to each variable. The third column will be labelled Yi and will contain all the elements that are associated with the stereotypes of the Chinese. The fourth column will contain rankings for these stereotypes as well from 1 to 5 for strongly agree and strongly disagree respectively and will be called yi. It should be noted that some of the elements that will be form part of the Chinese stereotypes in movies include: ‘conformance to authority’, ‘strict gender role s’, ‘overly hardworking’, ‘dull and boring lives’ and ‘fear of confrontation’. Participants will be required to state whether they strongly agree with these elements or somewhat disagree, somewhat agree or strongly disagree with these variables on Chinese culture. The fifth column will contain differences between columns xi and yi and will be known as di. Finally, the sixth column will contain a squared value of di. The spearman’s correlations coefficient (ÃŽ ¡) will then be computed through the latter formula ÃŽ ¡=∑i(xi-†¾x)(yi-†¾x) √{∑i(xi-†¾x) 2 (yi-†¾x)2} (Corder Foremen, 2009) Significance of the study and proposed result interpretation This study will be statistically significant if the null hypothesis i.e. there is no relationship between Chinese stereotypes in movies and their actual roles in real life is negated and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient is not zero or has a ne gative value. This will indicate that these stereotypes actually hold true and are an indication of how the Chinese really are. Conversely, the coefficient could have a positive value that affirms the null hypothesis. In this regard, the study will reveal that western cultures misinterpret the Chinese way of life by relying on stereotypical images of these people in their movies. With regard to the focus group, the results on various depictions of Chinese stereotypes will be an eye opener because they will be critiquing a very common and often relied upon information source. These results will be demonstrating that audiences need not embrace some of the communications they receive on face value because a substantial number of them may contain distortions about other cultures (Aronson Steele, 2005). The second research objective under analysis through the focus group method will be highly significant. If it has been shown that stereotypes contribute towards a misunderstanding of Chi nese culture then westerners will be aware of the source of these misunderstandings and may be prompted to act in order to counter those forces by reforming the film industry. Alternatively, they may be urged to look for more accurate information about the Chinese culture and this will promote greater tolerance between the two groups. On the other hand, if it has been found that there is really greater understanding of Chinese culture through these stereotypes, then it is likely that movies as a means of communication will continue to perpetuate the stereotypes and westerners will be a little less closer to the Chinese than they would have been if the stereotypes were found not to be true. Western media will come off as objective and highly reliable. Conclusion Generally, the study will contribute towards a deeper understanding of a non western culture through the film lens. In the end, cross cultural interactions will be better understood and perhaps will be smoothened due to this attention given through the research (Ewen Ewen, 2006). Reference Cogan, T. (2005). Western Images of China: Recent travel accounts. Waseda studies in social sciences, 2(1), 24 Corder, G. Foremen, D. (2009). Non parametric statistics for non statisticians. NY: Wiley Spence, J. (2010). The Chan’s Great continent: China in western minds, London: Norton Sharf, J. (2006). Ethics of doing naturalistic discourse research. London: Sage Piantadosi, J., Bolan, J. Howlett, P. (2007). Matching the grade correlation coefficient using a copula with maximum disorder. Industrial and management optimization, 3(2), 305-312 Uwe, F. (2007). The sage qualitative research kit. London: Sage Hesse-Biber, S. Leavy, P. (2006). The practice of qualitative research. London: Sage Neuman, W. (2007). Basics of social research: quantitative and qualitative approaches. London: Allen and Bacon Silverman, D. (2005). Doing qualitative research: a practical handbook. London: Sage Litoseliti, L. (2005). Usin g focus groups in research. London: Continuum Hobbs, D Wright, R. (2006). Sage handbook of fieldwork. London: Sage Ewen, S. Ewen, E. (2006). Typecasting: On the arts and science of human inequality. NY: Seven stories press Terraciano, A., Adam, N. Abdel Khalek, A. (2005). National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures. Science, 310(57), 96 Sheridian, P. (2006). Hollywood, Burbank and resulting imaginings. Journal of public affairs, 5(13), 72-73 Aronson. J. Steele, C. (2005). Stereotypes and fragility of academic motivation competence and self concept. Competence handbook. NY: Mcmillan

Monday, October 21, 2019

Scale of Evil Essays

Scale of Evil Essays Scale of Evil Paper Scale of Evil Paper Dr. Michael Stone is a forensic psychiatrist and professor at Columbia University who has classified the levels of evil on a 22 point scale. He is the presenter of the show Most Evil, which features profiles of murderers, serial killers, mass murderers and psychopaths. The levels are one is for impulsive killing, two is for crimes of passion, seven for narcissistic killers, 10 is for Selfish murders, to remove obstacles, 14 is for acts of mercy, 16 is for multiple vicious acts, 17 is for ruthless predatory and manipulative killers, and 22 is for those that perform prolonged torture, were controlling and abusive, and had some religious aspect and often enlisting others and discarding victims. Two groups that are not on Dr. Stone’s scale are terrorists and corporate criminals. The average age evil people begin their extremely bad habits is approximately eight years old. Fire starting, animal abuse, bad relationship with parents, self-harm, manipulation, rape, and repressed emotions are common among children that have been studied. Another factor that fuels their insanity is getting away with something. It is said that there are few female killers because of the way different genders are raised. About 93% of crimes are committed by men. Dr. Stone believes that 90% of serial killers meet the standards of psychopathy, love control and domination. About half on them are loner who cannot sustain a relationship and are trying to get back at those who have abused them. An example of this is a mass murderer in Texas that killed close to 70 people. He was abused and neglected by his mother as a child, by chose not to injure her. Instead, he savagely murdered other people, mostly women. This is classified as a love-hate relationship because the killer would rather harm other people, but not the parent. Murderers of this type have most likely suffered damaged parts of their brains that control sexual functioning and self-control. Since women have an anti-social nature, they view murder as a game. Psychological profiling was mainly developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It pertains to reviewing a criminal’s behavior, motives, and background to further guide an investigation. In elaborate cases involving serial killers, rapists, kidnappers, or bombers, a psychological profiler is brought in to visit the crime scene. The profiler needs to know what makes the criminal violent, and get to the root of the problem that started the series of killings. The controversy regarding offender profiling is investigators may arrest the wrong person who matched the profile. This proved true in the Beltway sniper attacks. A profile was described as a white, middle aged man, which mislead investigators. Hannibal Lecter’s profile would be a white middle age man, slick black hair that is half-way gray, goes a little past his ears, blue eyes, eyebrows about gray, height about 5†6’, and weighs about 140-170lbs, who attacks people by eating their faces. I would place Lecter at number 17 because of his multiple cannibalistic attacks, and manipulation like with the police that were bringing him food, while he was in the huge cage. He expresses psychopathic behavior for having no remorse for his victims. He appears to have a love-hate relationship with Clarice because when he escapes, Lecter has no intention of harming her. Buffalo Bill’s profile is mid-40, brown hair with a receding hairline, who is a transgender wannabe that skins his victims so he can create a woman costume. I would place him at number 18 because he is manipulative in how he faked an injury because he knew a woman’s nature is to help someone in need. Unfortunately, Catherine was that girl. Buffalo Bill knew exactly what size of a woman he wanted, so he could starve them and skin them. He does not think of his victims as people because of the way he calls them â€Å"it† when talking to them. While torturing his victims, he talks to his poodle, Precious, like a baby.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learning to Write by Reading

Learning to Write by Reading Learning to Write by Reading Learning to Write by Reading By Michael You might think avoiding other influences makes you a more original writer. But nobody can write in a vacuum. Even the meanings of words depend on how others have used them. You didnt invent the English language. Everything you write, you learned from someone else, even if only from your first grade teacher. Only when youre aware of your influences as a writer can you transcend them, instead of unconsciously copying them. Instead, reading other writers (which you already do) and learning from their style will help you develop your own, original style. Besides improving your vocabulary, it will give you a wider array of tools from which you can choose. You may recognize your own style as you read someone elses. Or you may learn what you dont want to sound like. Choosing your influences Which writers should an aspiring writer read? You should read the great ones there, thats vague enough. Start with the classics of world literature, because many people over many years have confirmed theyre worth reading. You can search Google for greatest writers of all time to see a list. Include modern authors as well, because thats what you are. My colleague Mark Nichol suggests four books that demonstrate specific writing skills. But be warned: take advice on what writers to read, but not whom you must imitate. You can never be anyone but yourself. In 18th century England, everyone thought they needed to write like Lord Chesterfield, but that was a bad idea even in the 18th century. Imitate the writers you want to be like its more profound than it sounds. As Ive said before, you are what you read. Reading influences your style, and as you discover your true style, you have an obligation to keep developing it. Even great writers might be imitated for the wrong reasons. Perhaps another writers uniqueness shouldnt be imitated, since you have your own. Perhaps he or she can get away with breaking rules that you and I shouldnt try to, not until we become more skilled. Until we do, no wonder our writing doesnt quite work. Or it might be a writers persona that draws us, rather than their skill. Many aspiring writers long to be irreverent free-spirits, but that doesnt make them good writers. Mixing a drink like Ernest Hemingway will not make you write like him. (Hemingway himself retorted, Have you ever heard of anyone who drank while he worked? You’re thinking of Faulkner. He does sometimes.) Some great literary figures were great partly because of their suffering, and you may not want that. Some of them were mentally ill. Imitate writers because of how they write, not because of what they write about. Some writers became popular only because they landed on the popular side of popular controversies. As Kurt Vonnegut wrote about his fictitious novelist Kilgore Trout, His prose was frightful. Only his ideas were good.† Other writers camouflage their bad ideas with excellent writing, but its dangerous to imitate interesting writers who write badly. Developing your tools Choose the writers who can do what you want to do, so you can learn how to do it yourself. Like many people, my favorite writer Connie Willis could never guess the murderer in Agatha Christie novels. She wanted to learn how to surprise her readers too, so she studied Agatha Christies plots to figure out how she did it, and it paid off. Now critics call her a novelist who can plot like Agatha Christie. If youre writing within a genre, you need to learn the genre, but its more important to learn the skills. In other words, dont say, Okay, I like J.R.R. Tolkien, so I want to learn to write about orcs. Orcs have been done enough already. If you really want to give orcs a fresh face (and orcs are not known for their facial beauty), you first need to learn to write about evil, or danger, or enemies. So find authors who understand those things, whatever their genre. If you are organizing a dangerous quest, you dont need to imitate the way Gandalf organized one in Bilbo Baggins hobbit hole. You could find inspiration for that in Moby Dick or Treasure Island. Professor Tolkien would be ashamed if all you learned from his writings was how to talk like an orc. You can imitate the style of others as you develop your own, but theres no need to imitate their ideas. If youre writing about danger, sure, read how other writers depict danger. Read what they say, then decide what you want to say. It should not be the same thing. That is not the kind of imitation Im talking about. How you feel about danger will be different because youre different. Thats your unique contribution. How to absorb a writers influence Besides reading, what other ways can you learn from an author? Copy out passages that you like. Copying focuses your attention by slowing down your reading. You can learn better by involving the hand as well as the eye. Read out loud. While youre at it, why not read regularly to those who cant read for themselves? That helps you, the aspiring writer, as well as the preschool future reader, or the elderly person with failing sight. Create templates from favorite sentences, similar to the Mad Libs game, and fill the structure with your own words. For example, based on the first line of Edith Whartons Ethan Frome: NAME VERB the NOUN, bit by bit, from ADJECTIVE NOUN, and each time it was a ADJECTIVE NOUN. Adapted original: I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and each time it was a different story. Parody an authors style while writing on a subject that he never would have. Thats how the Bad Hemingway Contest kept going for nearly 30 years. Parodying Ernest Hemingway is an attractive target that has tempted distinguished writers such as E. B. White, Raymond Chandler, F. Scott Fitzgerald and George Plimpton. Imitation doesnt need to be a form of flattery. You can learn a lot about a writers style when you make gentle fun of him or her. W. H. Auden, in his 1962 essay â€Å"The Poet and the City,† says that in his imaginary College for Bards, the only critical exercise required of students would be the writing of parodies. Authors who learned writing by copying out passages, even entire books, include Jack London, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Hunter S. Thompson. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Program vs. ProgrammeRunning Amok or Running Amuck?20 Criminal Terms You Should Know

Saturday, October 19, 2019

E-Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

E-Supply Chain Management - Essay Example More and more firms accelerate to implement their supply chains in a web-based manner in an effort to lower their operating costs and attain a fast response to the market condition changes. However, this framework considers primarily two factors of the organizational ability to integrate their external partners and the complexity of operation, which are natural in a market-centric economy. In a transitional economy where a centrally planned economy moves toward that of a free market, the government influence is a factor that cannot be ignored. Another important factor is the information asymmetry that will be discussed later. The organizational ability to integrate with their external partners is the common factor used in both frameworks. We use the information asymmetry instead of the complexity of operations and the new factor of government influence. (Panta, 2003, 205) Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK Ltd is one among many Japanese automotive manufacturers which lays claim to be at the forefront of these new specific developments in customer-supplier relationships (see for instance Mair, 1994; Wickens, 1987). Toyota now has 210 suppliers in 11 European countries, of which 50 per cent (by value and number) are UK-based. As production moves up to the projected full capacity of 225,000 units per year, the value of the supply chain is estimated to reach 880 million by 1999. Toyota Motor Company, with its emphasis on lean production, efficiency and quality, is seen by many to be an exemplary model of best practice for other firms to follow. Firms joining the Toyota supply chain will fully expect to become converts to the Toyota production method and the social demands of obligational contracting ways (Winfield and Kerrin, 1996). Customer influence examined The influence of a major customer on a supplier can and does have far-reaching measurable effects. Harland (1996) draws attention to the importance of the "softer" behavioural features of supplier-customer relationships, such as the attitudes, expectations and perceptions held by both parties, which can have profound implications for the actual success of the partnership. He also suggests rather tantalizingly that these changed behaviours within the contracting partnership can have direct effects on other aspects of organization-wide behaviour within the supply firm. Toyota claims in particular to encourage close partnering with suppliers; extending even to encouraging suppliers to participate in parts design (Ohno, 1988). Toyota will even offer advice and financial assistance to its suppliers who need to upgrade their production to meet the demands of quality and the JIT manufacturing system. Help is also freely given with the design of training and with management development programmes. All this takes place within the social boundaries of frequent company visits, an atmosphere of long-term trust and of a partnership based on mutual prosperity. In selecting suppliers, Toyota places emphasis not simply on product quality and future ability to meet the just-in-time production demands; but also it seems, on more subtle cognitive and social variables. These

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social life - Research Paper Example Around 30 or 40 years before, most of the women satisfied with their homely assignments of looking after the children and the family matters. But the development of science and technology and the changing life styles encouraged the women to think in terms of finding an employment for gaining more financial freedom. Earlier, women relied heavily on men for their personal expenses and in many cases they were forced to suppress their needs because of the difficulties in getting money from the men. The over dominance of men in family, social and professional matters forced the women to change their attitudes towards employment and many of them started to come out from the kitchen to join the companies as employees to get more professional and financial freedom. This paper analyses the Economic incentives which have motivated women to continue to participate in the Labour Market. In many countries, the rapid economic growth was due largely to important growth in the manufacturing and services sectors, where substantial and proportionally larger increase of female workers has been registered† (WOMENS PARTICIPATION IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, p.1). Traditionally, women were forced to confine their activities within the boundaries of the kitchen or family as the men dominate the women community. Women enjoyed less freedom in financial matters since the men were the ones who earned money for meeting the family expenses. Even though, the women community worked hard in the kitchen or in the home, their jobs were marked as the nonproductive ones and they earned no financial rewards for their hard work. On the other hand, men earned money for their hard work and hence they normally spent the money in their own ways neglecting the needs of the women. For example, men spent lot of money for smoking, drinking etc like enjoyment purposes whereas the women were depriv ed of such enjoyments because of the lack of financial rewards they were getting for their hard work. In

Multiple Choice Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiple Choice Exam - Essay Example 1998; Haines 2004; McDonald 2007). Throughout this essay, we will delineate the advantages and disadvantages of specific exam types and questions, and eventually, we will arrive at multiple choice examinations and consider why these exams are optimal for an assessment of knowledge and ability. The types of exams which can be employed to assess students are considerable: essay, short answer, practical, seen question, take-home vs. in-class, open-book, or oral examination are just a few (McDonald 2001). Each approach is accompanied by specific advantages and disadvantages which make them appropriate for particular situations. Essay exams, for example, assess not only the student's knowledge of a particular area, but also their ability to coherently formulate a written answer that is clear and direct, and it has the advantage that partial credit can be assigned based on the quality of the answer provided (McDonald 2001; (McDonald 2007). However, disadvantages include that scoring of essay exams can often be obfuscated by subjectivity in determining what qualifies as a correct answer and how many points may be subsequently awarded. Students with poor writing skills, who are as knowledgeable as their peers, may be penalized more severely in their responses due to grammatical a nd syntactical deficiencies in their writing which are unrelated to their knowledge of the particular question (McDonald 2001; (Haines 2004). As such, it is especially important to consider these advantages and disadvantages when selecting the type of exam which will be utilized. In the past few decades, in part because of technological advances that have made grading less demanding, multiple choice exams have come into favor in a wide range of academic and non-academic settings (Merritt 2006). We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of multiple choice exams and how they may be employed in later sections. TYPES OF EXAM QUESTIONS While the wide-variety of exam types might suggest there is an even greater amount of questions, this actually proves not to be the case. In fact, exam questions can be distilled down into two disparate types: open-ended and closed-ended. Open-ended exam questions provide a question or statement and demand the test-taker to answer the question by drawing upon their own knowledge (Genesee & Upshur 1996). Open-ended questions require an ability to identify what the question is asking and develop an articulate answer that satisfies all the requirements of that question (Genesee & Upshur 1996). Essay, short answer, and "fill-in-the-blank" type questions are all examples of open-ended questions. Problems with these types of questions can be subjectivity and lengthiness in the grading process. However, they are advantageous in that they require a nuanced ability to produce a coherent and appropriate answer from one's own knowledge (McDonald 2001). Closed-ended questions, unlike open-ended questions, do not require the test-taker to extract the answer solely from previous knowledge; rather, closed-ended questions provide a pre-existing set of potential answers in addition to the question being asked (Genesee & Upshur 1996). Since all students select from a set of preordained answers, the tests are ostensibly more objective

Thursday, October 17, 2019

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and Essay

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and evaluation to reviewing the students own practice. 1 Be able to investigate practice in your own area of specialism - Essay Example He argued the model of professional training which he termed â€Å"technical rationality† of charging students with knowledge in training schools so that they discharge them in the world of training. The cultivation of the capacity to reflect â€Å"in action† (while doing something) and â€Å"on action† (after you have done it) has become an important feature in professional training programmes. Its encouragement is seen as a particular important aspect of the role of the mentor of the beginning profession. It can be argued that â€Å"real† reflective needs a mentor to guide and ensure the reflection is in line rather than bogged down in self-justification or pity. He suggested that the four lenses offered tools and practices to support good teaching. The faculty to ask the teachers to engage at least one of the lenses from the students and document the progress they see in the students. Teachers’ wishing for excellence may engage more deeply using different lenses that fit the student. The four lenses are; c) Student Lens: engaging with student views of the learning environment can lead to more responsive teaching. Evaluations, assessments, groups focus, can each provide cues to improve teaching and learning d) Literature Lens: Teaching theories provides the vocabulary for teaching practice, and offers different ways to views and understand your teaching. Here you will find ways to utilize scholarly literature in your teaching and critical reflection David A. Kolb was highly influenced by earlier research conducted by John Dewey and Jean Piaget. Kolb’s reflective model shows the idea of experimental learning and is centered on the changing of information into knowledge. This takes place after a situation has occurred, and involves a practitioner reflecting on the experience, gaining a general understanding of the concepts encountered during the experience, and then testing these general understanding

Martin Luther King's Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Martin Luther King's Dream - Essay Example Yet, one of the largest reasons for why Martin Luther King Jr. is a historical figure that stands apart is due to the fact that he struggled tirelessly and fearlessly for the rights of his fellow man; the very epitome of democracy. Whereas many individuals during the time period were caught up in returning hatred for hatred, Martin Luther King Jr. was focused upon using nonviolent methods and leading a peaceful civil rights that would channel the same approach that Thoreau and Gandhi had used to such great effect (King 33). Whereas it might have been easy to fall victim to the desire for seeking revenge and demanding a level of immediate and violent revolution on the part of the disenfranchised population of the United States, King was able to resist this temptation and take the higher path; aspects of character and virtue that are extraordinarily rare and extremely appealing to this individual author.Such as yet, King’s most notable achievement is not with regards to the fact that he was merely a participant in the nonviolent civil rights movement of the mid-20th century; rather, his most notable achievement is with respect to the fact that he led this civil rights movement and carefully and painstakingly sought the ways in which it could be promoted so that it could affect the greatest benefit towards the exhibition of civil rights within the United States. Naturally, King was fully aware of the fact that civil rights it was most severely inhibited within the southern states.... was not only able to become an ordained clergyman within his community, he was also the youngest person ever to receive and Nobel Peace Prize for his work in seeking to end racial segregation (Hinds 469). As can readily be noted, the ability to dedicate himself to his studies and to the cause in question allowed for Martin Luther King to be an admirable character that this student understands as penultimate to the American democratic experience. Yet, one of the largest reasons for why Martin Luther King Jr. is a historical figure that stands apart is due to the fact that he struggled tirelessly and fearlessly for the rights of his fellow man; the very epitome of democracy. Whereas many individuals during the time period were caught up in returning hatred for hatred, Martin Luther King Jr. was focused upon using nonviolent methods and leading a peaceful civil rights that would channel the same approach that Thoreau and Gandhi had used to such great effect (King 33). Whereas it might h ave been easy to fall victim to the desire for seeking revenge and demanding a level of immediate and violent revolution on the part of the disenfranchised population of the United States, King was able to resist this temptation and take the higher path; aspects of character and virtue that are extraordinarily rare and extremely appealing to this individual author. Such as yet, King’s most notable achievement is not with regards to the fact that he was merely a participant in the nonviolent civil rights movement of the mid-20th century; rather, his most notable achievement is with respect to the fact that he led this civil rights movement and carefully and painstakingly sought the ways in which it could be promoted so that it could affect the greatest benefit towards the exhibition of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and Essay

5 Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and evaluation to reviewing the students own practice. 1 Be able to investigate practice in your own area of specialism - Essay Example He argued the model of professional training which he termed â€Å"technical rationality† of charging students with knowledge in training schools so that they discharge them in the world of training. The cultivation of the capacity to reflect â€Å"in action† (while doing something) and â€Å"on action† (after you have done it) has become an important feature in professional training programmes. Its encouragement is seen as a particular important aspect of the role of the mentor of the beginning profession. It can be argued that â€Å"real† reflective needs a mentor to guide and ensure the reflection is in line rather than bogged down in self-justification or pity. He suggested that the four lenses offered tools and practices to support good teaching. The faculty to ask the teachers to engage at least one of the lenses from the students and document the progress they see in the students. Teachers’ wishing for excellence may engage more deeply using different lenses that fit the student. The four lenses are; c) Student Lens: engaging with student views of the learning environment can lead to more responsive teaching. Evaluations, assessments, groups focus, can each provide cues to improve teaching and learning d) Literature Lens: Teaching theories provides the vocabulary for teaching practice, and offers different ways to views and understand your teaching. Here you will find ways to utilize scholarly literature in your teaching and critical reflection David A. Kolb was highly influenced by earlier research conducted by John Dewey and Jean Piaget. Kolb’s reflective model shows the idea of experimental learning and is centered on the changing of information into knowledge. This takes place after a situation has occurred, and involves a practitioner reflecting on the experience, gaining a general understanding of the concepts encountered during the experience, and then testing these general understanding

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Quality Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quality Of Education - Essay Example Today’s education is far more excellent compared to yesterday’s education. One of my proof is the availability of advanced computerized and centralized learning classrooms and libraries in most of the schools and colleges. Telephony and Data Communications also contributes instant information especially in the presence of intranet and internet. Due to the evolution of teachings and through some academic research it aided our educators to be more efficient in their way of teaching, thus, improved the quality learning of the students. Unlike my parents’ experiences, assignment and research are not a problem at all since it is not as difficult to find reference materials. Through the usage of a word processor like the Microsoft Office Word, multimedia editor like Adobe Photoshop and presentation software like the Microsoft Office Powerpoint installed in computers, my reports and presentations are much more creative and presentable compared to what my parents had, he nce, enables me and my classmates to establish better communication and understanding. Regardless of what course and degree, most of the subjects and courses were change especially in the field of science and technology due to the additional knowledge to be imparted in the curriculum. It is also a proof that due to the availability of many courses our education has become more advanced. Another factor affecting the quality of education is the teacher itself. The teaching strategy is a big factor affecting the education of the students.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Time and the Clocks Essay Example for Free

Time and the Clocks Essay Introduction It is well known that technology is very important aspect in human life and Critical Engagement with Technology class held lot of concepts and theories with regard to how to look at and understand technology that helped in changing some of the previous understandings. The class helped in developing the skills to be able to evaluate different approaches and ways of thinking in regards to understanding technology. Also to know the issues that impact the management of technology and how the technology influenced managers’ abilities to provide better management of both resources and people. The class also examined the drivers and factors that impacted technology implementation such as social, political, economic, among others. The new way of thinking about the technology and how it is driven was presented in class through several topics that was introduced such as: â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Historical Perspective on Technology The Industrial Revolution Technology as the Context for and Product of Human Endeavour Technological Determinism Social Shaping of Technology Management, Power and Technology The course further gave us the opportunity to pick a technology and ably what we learned in the class. Our case study that we picked talked about the clocks and how the society shaped the way of measuring time throughout history. The clock nowadays are technology that has been taken for granted. The focus of this case study is to show the importance of time measurement and how our life nowadays revolves around it. By going through history all the way from using the sun and stars to the development of clocks that neither lose nor gain one second in 200 million years to show how humanity searches for more accuracy by developing the tools to measure the time. Literature Review As mentioned earlier, the course provided us with lot of concepts and theories with regards to technology that in turns helped in understanding and facilitating of our case study. Concepts such as Technological Determinism and Social Shaping of Technology helped in carrying out our research and that is why it is important to define them. The idea of that technology development affect and shape the society is called Technological Determinism and it implies that the technology changes by following its own logic and come from outside society. Hard technological determinism which lays on simple cause-and-effect and not considering other factors such as economic, political, cultural, among others is considered as an oversimplified theory for the technological change. This was the common way of thinking that encourage the passive attitude toward technology change. It is worth mentioning that new technology are developed from an existing technology or a combinations of several existing technologies through a gradual change. Therefore, the social shaping of technology theory critique the technological determinism theory and suggests that society has more active attitude toward technology development in the since that society decides what and how to use it. Also the social shaping of technology theory consider other factors mentioned previously that affect the technology wheel of development (Mackenzie and Wajcman, 1999). Having said that, the distinguish between the two theories among the other topics learned in this course open our minds as well as provided us with better understanding of technology development. The Beginnings of the Clocks The movement of earth and its moon gave the indications for the year, month, and day. Human invented the hours, minutes and seconds as smaller units for the time. Middle East ancient civilization divided the day into 24 hours with 60 minutes an hour and 60 seconds a minutes. At the beginning there were the sundials and the water clocks that didn’t give exact time but rather represent the flow of time (Franz, 1978) (Dale, 1992). Before the mechanical clocks, people had many attempts to find a tool to measure time more accurately. The candle clock which was basically a candle with the hours marked on it was one device. Another device was the hourglass or sandglass that was used at sea and it required someone to stay next to it to flip it because each flip was counted as half an hour or an hour. Although both devices were used at night and that helped in solving the problem of the sundial that depends on the sun, another problem came to realization which was that these devices didn’t give the time of the day rather they only measured periods of time (Dale, 1992). People of ancient China, Babylon, and Egypt discovered the link between timekeeping and the positions of stars due to the fact that stars changes position in a regular pattern. This link motivated people to find new ways to measure time more accurately especially at sea (Dale, 1992). Pope Sylvester II invented the first mechanical clock in year 1000 and they spread among European cathedrals by 1300. They were used to inform people about the time they should go to church and that was the early use for them. Some of these clocks gave astronomical information and others had bells to call people (Sherman, 2005). It is interesting that an old mechanical clock that was built in 1386 is still working in England in Salisbury Cathedral. The small clocks didn’t come along until after the invention of mainspring and those clocks were built for wealthy people where they were considered as valuable possessions that they show off with. Marine Navigation When the magnetic compass were invented, it was used by sailors to steer the ships in an accurate direction, but compasses weren’t steady enough in rough weather and hence deciding the direction based on them was difficult. The Sextant was the next invention and it was the instrument used to measure the heights of the sun in order to calculate the ship’s latitude (May, 1973) (Cotter, 1977). All these instruments solve part of the problem because there were no means to measure the longitude and the position of the ships on the latitude was purely based on the sailors’ guess (Cotter, 1977). The speed of ships is measured by knots and it is based on an old method called the ‘Dead Reckoning’. After plotting the course using the compass, a rope with several knots on it with a log at the end of that rope were thrown overboard. Then a sandglass was used to measure the period. When it was time the rope was pulled and the knots were counted. Using this method sailors were able to calculate the distance they sailed (May, 1973) (Gould and Dyson, 1976). The compass, astrolabe and the dead reckoning were the only methods used by the great explorers like Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus and what is more interesting is that they didn’t have a particular destination when they discovered the new lands. These discoveries provided the opportunity of trading but another problem of navigation came up. No one was able to know how long the trip going to take or how much food they should take with them to feed the crew of the ship. Fresh food rotted before they reach their destination along with other problems caused by the poor navigation at that time. Knowing the longitude and better timekeeping was the answer. Cotter (1977) stated that the difference between the time readings in two different places will help in calculating the longitude. For this calculation to be possible a standard time was needed. Since Britain was the leading seafaring nation in the 17th century it decided to take the Royal Observatory at Greenwich as the standard time and the longitude passing through Greenwich became 0 degrees. At that time other countries took different places as mark 0 degrees. When the radio were used as the mean of communication between ships, Greenwich system was used internationally in 1884. Mechanical clocks provided more accurate measurement of time than candles or sandglasses, but still they were not accurate enough because the swinging of the pendulum was upset by the motion of the ships. The early mechanical clocks needed to be checked against other clocks or against the sun on a frequent bases. Sailors knew that they needed a clock that keep the accurate standard time even under that challenging conditions of the sea. According to Gould and Dyson (1976) the British government was alarmed by the fact that lots of ships both merchant and naval were lost due to the hazardous conditions of the Atlantic Ocean. And that is why the government announced a competition in 1714 with a prize of ? 20,000 for a chronometer with specific criteria. The British government wanted an accurate chronometer that gives the correct longitude reading within 55 kilometres after six weeks of sailing. In order to be that precise, the new chronometer must not loss nor gain more than three seconds per day also it should be able to cope with the conditions of the sea such as the salty sea air and the temperature and humidity changes. At that time no clock was able to achieve that accuracy and it was a big technical challenge. In 1759, John Harrison, who was a clockmaker, succeeded after three previous attempts in inventing the perfect chronometer. The chronometer was tested by Harrison’s son William when he sailed to Jamaica two years after the invention came to light. Harrison’s chronometer passed the test. It only lost an average of 2. 7 second a day and it was able to give an accurate longitude reading within 30 kilometres. It is worth mentioning that chronometers were not used generally until 1800 and this is because it was very expensive to build one. Navigation problems were solved by using the clocks and the seas became busy highways at that time (Gould and Dyson, 1976). Railways Time The industrial revolution was powered by the steam power as well as the revolution in transport where the railways spread quickly at that time. The main purpose of the railways was to transport coal although it was used to transport passengers too. By making the transport easier people’s lives has changed. In the early days of railways public clocks weren’t synchronized and there wasn’t a single standard time. The trains were separated and spread along the tracks using time intervals system and that caused problems for travellers as well as posed a safety hazard. With the introduction of railways time that used Greenwich Mean Time the public timekeeping has changed and that solved the problems of railways. Moreover, the demand for more accuracy in daily tasks were influenced by railway time. It is worth mentioning that it took the government 40 years since the introduction of railways time to legislate the standard time for Great Britain and that was in 1880 (Schivelbusch, 1986). The Industrial Revolution Commodities and industries were made in a different way in Europe after 1780 and that is why historians gave the name the industrial revolution. In this revolution, cheaper and faster machines replaced the costly and slow manual crafts. For example, cotton industry changed a lot, at first cotton was woven manually and it was considered as luxury but with the industrial revolution and the introduction of the new cotton mills, the production become faster and that caused the price to drop drastically for the product. Moreover, this movement puts lot of people out of work and the only thing that they could do at that time is to work in the mills. This movement also introduced many people to the important of time. Factories’ machines were kept running for long time during the day for the investors to gain the best return and it was important that workers arrive on time. Workers who came late were usually punished with a fine deducted from their weekly payments. At that time only few people had clocks to tell them the time other used the ‘knocker-up’ who was someone walking around and waking people to go to work (Cardwell and Cardwell, 2001). The method of workers payments changed due to this movement too. Before works used to earn fixed payments for a day of work but when the factories started to use the shift system workers started to be paid using hourly rate. This was possible with the invention of a machine that kept record of how many hours the worker actually worked. The worker had to stamp a card using that machine that showed the time of start and end. That process was called ‘clocking on-clocking off’ (Cardwell and Cardwell, 2001). Time Control Reeves and Duncan et al. (2001), Webster and Davies et al. (2011), and Borst (1993) agreed upon that ‘Time and motion study’ which was developed by Frederick Taylor in 1880 helped in studying different factories operations to speed them up by identifying what is really needed and that in return helped manufacturers to use their workers and machinery more efficiently. The concept of saving the time became an important one when the awareness of time increased. That concept pushed lot of technologies to be invented especially after the invention of electricity to replace the boring and routine tasks such as cleaning, washing clothes, among others. Another form of time control was the use of time switches which were basically a clock combined with a switch that enabled automatic turning on and off for the devices. More accurate clocks Wagner (2008) said that the work of most specialists such as engineers, physicists, among others depends heavily on precise time measurements. Nowadays, 300 atomic clocks at different laboratories are used to calculate global time. But researchers are pursuing more accuracy in time measurement and the results will replace the process of averaging the data from the atomic clocks. Researchers developed optical clocks that capture and measure the frequencies of strontium atoms (a chemical element with atomic number 38) by using the lasers. With the ability of the new clocks to measure the oscillation at higher frequency ranges, the results are clocks that measure time more accurately. Also these new clocks are expected to measure time in intervals much smaller than what the atomic clock that will help in giving the clock that ability to neither lose nor gain one second in a period of 200 million years (Wagner, 2008). Methodology Before us as a group decided on the topic in hand we had lot of discussions with lot of topics to talk about. After we reached an agreement we distributed the work and each of the members had to research a specific period in time to find out more about time and clocks. It was an interesting task that expanded my knowledge about the subject. After each member focused on the topic assigned our group met to share the findings. Comments were exchanged to further address the subject from different angles. The researches were done using books, online articles, and journals. The group met for the second time with the new findings and slides for the presentation. The presentation was put together and rehearsed. We didn’t have to meet as much because we used methods such as blogs and dropbox to share our work and discuss further. I was assigned with the topic regarding the marine navigation and the early problems and I found out that different resources agreed and have the same facts about the subject. Also I was able to dig deeper and find interesting facts with regards to other topics in this document that in turn helped me gain immense knowledge about the theories proposed as well as provided me with the comprehensive understanding I was seeking. Findings and Discussion I was able to carry out this case study and research with most open mind and with referring to the theories and topics learned in class. I found out that the clocks is considered as one of the oldest inventions in history and also how humanity is continuously seeking for more accuracy in regards to time measurement even nowadays. Also I found out how the concept of time measurement affect and pushed other technologies to emerge and how it was used in the industrial revolution era. It is clear that throughout history human had the same idea which was the important of measuring time. What differs was the development of the devices that measure the time in a more accurate manner. It is also observed that the development of the device depends on the same concepts of the previous ones but with better ways of doing it. Early sailors used land marks and stayed close to the land in order to find their way and to know their position. Then sailors become more adventurist over time and started to find new ways to help them navigate in the open sea. Methods such as astronomy observation helped in calculating the ships’ locations to work out the directions and set the course of the ship by using an instrument called the astrolabe. The astrolabe was the tool used by the ancient Greeks, but the biggest default was it needed a clear sky and it was only used at night. With the invention of the chronometer that solved the marine problems I felt that it was one of the breakthroughs in the world of clocks that help in measuring the time more precisely. It showed that the need of the accuracy in the time measurement was a social need to solve the problems rather than resulting from technological determinism. It is hard nowadays to find someone who doesn’t care about time. This is showed by the fact that everything in the modern life had something to do with time and clocks. For example, the personal computers where the clock is installed as a ship in the heart of the device to regulate the electrical signals (Borst, 1993), the use of the timer in the microwave, setting the alarm to go to work or school, transportation timetable, among other examples. Clocks is everywhere but as mentioned before, it is a technology taken for granted. Conclusion. The clocks development throughout history showed a true evident of the society shaping the technology changes with the need of finding ways to measure time more accurately. Also the history showed that the clocks came a long way and the development and researches for more accurate clocks is still going on. The clocks began with using the sun and the stars. Then they were used to count periods using water clocks, candle clocks, and sandglass clocks. After that mechanical clocks came to light with the use of gears and motion. And with the need for a clock to per the sea conditions and to give accurate longitude readings, the chronometer came about. Finally, reaching to the atomic clocks that we use nowadays to measure time and for the future the use of optical clocks that measure time with smaller intervals than ever. With the development of the clocks we can observe how people lives changed. Not forgetting about the disadvantages where some people suffer from something called ‘time stress’ and this is because we want to do lots of things and the clashes among them caused by the time constrains lead to stress. References Borst, A. 1993. The ordering of time. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Cardwell, D. and Cardwell, D. 2001. Wheels, clocks, and rockets. New York: W. W. Norton. Cotter, C. 1977. The elements of navigation and nautical astronomy. Glasgow: Brown and Ferguson. Dale, R. 1992. Timekeeping. New York: Oxford University Press. Franz, M. 1978. Time. New York: Thames and Hudson. Gould, R. and Dyson, F. 1976. The marine chronometer. London: The Holland Press. Mackenzie, D. and Wajcman, J. 1999. Introductory essay: the social shaping of technology. The social shaping of technology, pp. 327. May, W. 1973. A history of marine navigation. New York: Norton. Reeves, T. C. , Duncan, W. J. Ginter, P.M. 2001, Motion study in management and the arts: A historical example, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 137-149. Schivelbusch, W. 1986. Railway journey. Berkeley: University presses of California. Top of Form Bottom of Form Sherman, J. 2005. How do we know the nature of time. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Wagner, C. G. 2008, New Clocks: Its About Time, The Futurist, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 10. Webster, J. , Davies, H. , Stankiewicz, M. Fleming, L. C. 2011, Estimating the Time Involved in Managing the Unoccupied Bed: A Time and Motion Study, Nursing Economics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 317-22.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System Computer Science Essay

Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System Computer Science Essay Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System with Secure Sockets Layer is an online system that supports Android based and desktop system. This system is to replace the traditional method of reservation (offline system) which is pen-and-paper. At the same time, it is developed to reduce the workload of staff and ease the customers to make a reservation at anytime and anywhere. Todays, most of the people can easily access the web with their smartphone, desktops or laptops, and tablets. Since everyone is able to use their devices to access the internet, online services are very common in their daily life. But, there are differences of screen resolution of these devices and the traditional web design is unable to fit the content in any size of screen. Therefore, the purposed system can resolve the problem by using jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile is a touch optimized web framework that widely use in smartphones, tablets and computer. [1] It is compatible with major mobile and desktop platforms. Its feature are automatic scale to any screen size, minimize the script for lay out pages and creating the important features that needed in the purposed system. [2] Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a technology that provides a secure connection between web server and web browser. [3] The purposed system implements SSL in order to protect customers details such as phone number that need to submit to the server. Also, it used to secure the single sign on (SSO) of users to prevent unauthorized access, where SSO is mechanism that provides user authentication and authorization which allows user access all computers and systems without enter multiple passwords. [4] 1.2 Problem Background Nowadays, lots of restaurants are still using the traditional method for table reservation. For example, a customer makes a booking through a phone call or goes to the restaurant on the spot. These are the easiest ways for reservation. But, it seems outdated in this new era of technology as it does not include of any current technology. In facts, many problems occurred when customers who want to make a booking through a phone call. For instances, the customers do not have the contact of the restaurant, restaurantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s staff was not able to answer the booking phone call during peak hour as well as communication problems between staff and customer due to their difference of languages spoken. Besides, phone technical issues are one of the problems. For example, telephone network congestion, low signal strength and noise. This may lead the customers unable to call or difficult to have a clear conversation. All of the above problems may affect the reputations and income of the restaurant. Despite there are few restaurants provide online reservation services. But, these online restaurant systems are improper to be accessed using android operating system. In other word, android phone user are facing problem such as loading webpage slowly and inefficient of use the main features due to limitation of screen size. 1.3 Project Aim This project is to design and develop a secure online restaurant reservation system with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that supports Android-based and desktop systems. 1.4 Objectives There are three objectives in the project: To study the existing of online restaurant reservation system. To design and develop an online restaurant reservation system that support both Android-based and desktop systems. To evaluate the system performance, usability and security to the proposed system. 1.5 Scope The scopes of this project are stated below: This work uses Station One CafÃÆ' © which located at Skudai, Johor Bahru for a case study in developing the proposed system. The system only supports Android, Tablet devices and Desktop. The system implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for securing single sign on (SSO). 1.6 Importance of Project The main purpose of this project is to develop secure online restaurant reservation system with SSL for both Android-based and desktop systems. The proposed system is a new architecture of restaurant reservation system which have providing online services, addition of features in the current systems and development in smartphone operating system (Android). Its advantages are capable to handle concurrent access for many users, no technical experience to run the system, fast ordering service, and provide secure access for single sign on (SSO) through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). By using this reservation system, the customers are able to escape from phone line congestion, dine on time and gain the experience to use the online services. 1.7 Report Organization This section shows the structure of this report. The table 1.1 has presented all the chapterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s titles and their description respectively. Chapter Title Description 1 Introduction Introduces the purposed system and explains the existing problem background as well as the outcome. 2 Literature Review Provides analysis of current system and briefly describes the technology used. 3 Methodology Presents the method of project implementation and the system requirementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s elements in term of software, hardware and user. 4 Requirement Analysis and Design Illustrates the system modules, user interface design and system flows. 5 Conclusion Concludes the whole report and give recommendation for future work. Table 1.1 Report Organizations 1.8 Summary This chapter has described the overview of the project as well as its problem background. It also has pointed out the aim, objectives and project scope of the project. Lastly, this chapter has figured out the importance of the project and those benefited from it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Thucydides Essay -- Ancient History, Greek

In the year 426, the tensions between the oligarchs (the rich minority) and the democrats (poor majority) rose so high, that it developed into a civil war. It had begun with the democrats tricking the oligarchs in to believing that Thucydides recounts the events that took place during the civil war in Corcyra. He claims that the civil war was just the first of many within Greece. Once word spread to the rest of the country with what happened in Corcyra, many civil wars broke out between many political groups (3.82) The varying political ideas among the two main parties created even more of a division than there already was, setting the two groups into a major civil war. Thucydides explains it best in saying â€Å"civil war brought many hardships to the cities [...] and will happen always as long as human nature is the same.† (3.82) It just takes one disagreement between the oligarchs and democrats to set everything in motion. One of the major issues however, was during the civil war, the Corcyreans had nearly lost all of their human compassion and values. Throughout this paper, three of the major values that were lost during the civil war will be addressed, along with Thucydides’ reasoning as to why they were lost. One of the first values that were re-evaluated according to Thucydides was that there was a tendency to change the meanings of things to justify their actions: to give more credence to what they were doing. Thucydides mentions how â€Å"ill-considered boldness was counted as loyal manliness; prudent hesitation was held to be cowardice in disguise, and moderation merely the cloak of an unmanly nature.† (3.82) Furthermore, â€Å"a mind that could grasp the good of the whole was considered wholly lazy.† (3.82) Thucydides is s... ....84), you’re faced with a very real possibility of civil war. As we have seen, Thucydides attributes a large amount of the civil war to ones predisposed thirst for blood and savagery. Having examined three different values that were lost among the Corcyreans during the civil war, as well as Thucydides beliefs to why it happened, will provide a better understanding of human nature during ancient Greece. The civil war in Corcyra between the oligarchs and the democrats was one of the first in Greece, but it most certainly was not he last. Once word had spread throughout Greece about the events in Corcyra, many of the Greek cities had engaged in a war similar to that of the Corcyreans. In civil war, as is in any war, it promotes our most primal and aggressive desires and allows them to surface and in a time of peace, any and all aggression, is easily lost.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Media †Gaga and Audience Study Essay

Lady Gaga is beyond just a modern pop star; she is a product as well. From literally selling singles, albums and concert tickets, Lady Gaga is also selling herself as a brand. She is a media construct who is artificial and created for a specific target audience in the effort for the maximum commercial gain. Her ‘Little Monsters’ are the ‘buyers’ in the product and purchaser relationship and they not only buy into the idea of her as an artist but also as an icon and a brand. Her brand and image is established in several ways through her design including how she portrays herself as a modern pop package and her personality. She spreads awareness of herself through market and promotion including social media and music videos in order to maintain a convincing relationship to her fans. There are three main parties involved with this relationship Gaga has with her fans. First of all, her record label, Interscope who signed her in 2007 are part of a conglomerate, Universal Music hence they have identified her as a way to make a financial return on their investment and look to benefit from this relationship financially. Secondly, Lady Gaga is another party in this relationship. She also similarly benefits financially as well as being able to live her dream and passion of music or at least that is hat she is trying to portray. Lastly, her ‘Little Monsters’ are the last party involved. Made up predominately of teenagers to mid 30’s and also the gay community, they benefit from contributing to her success and ultimately finding joy and happiness from this. The main aim of the relationship is to maximise the commercial success from increasing sales of her physical products. Her design is a way in which Lady Gaga endeavours to establish and maintain a relationship with her audience. Two main aspects of her design include how she is a modern pop package and her personality while others include her look, religious cult figure and her name. A modern pop package refers to how Gaga produces music within the pop bracket but also how she follows international and local trends in terms of fashion or technology. This is an effective way for Gaga to create the relationship with her audience because of several benefits of a modern pop package. Firstly, pop music reaches out to a large audience not only on Top 40 music stations but in mainstream media in general. As a result there is an increase in appeal from a wider audience allowing the relationship to occur on a wider scale. Secondly, because the target age demographic for pop music would be the 15-35 age group and they have the most income available to spend on entertainment, she is able to maximise sales hence financial return for herself and her record label. In general pop music refers to music that deals with typical topics like love or fame or having fun. Gaga’s debut single, ‘Just Dance’ is an example of her work to show how she fits into this genre of music. It speaks about being free, having a good time reinforcing this idea that pop music is usually made for listening ple asure as opposed to real craft or message sending and ‘Just Dance’ certainly fits into the category. An increasing part of a modern pop package is appealing genuine and authentic to their fans and ensuring them that the relationship is genuine. Personality is another aspect of her design that enables Gaga to have a relationship with her fans. Her personality refers to her portrayal of herself to be genuine and that she really cares about her fans. The way in which she advocates difference is a main method in which she does this. This allows her to develop the relationship because by making individuals feel included and important, fans then feel that they need to repay her by giving her unconditional support. Examples of this would be at her concert in Auckland where she sings Happy Birthday to one of her fans, Minisha. She took the effort to learn the correct pronunciation of her name and this shows the audience how she really cares about them individually. Another example would be when Gaga ask the girls, â€Å"How short are your skirts? † This again allows hr to develop the relationship by making her fans believe that she is genuine and different from other pop stars and they consequently buy into the idea of how she the perfect pop star and role model that they should support. Her design comes with several implications. Firstly, there are contrary messages from Gaga as a result of being in the modern pop bracket. While she preaches difference and the positive of being unique and different, she herself produces modern pop music. This causes a contradiction in her image and raises the idea that difference is okay if you’re still in the main bracket or if Lady Gaga says so. Another example of where this had occurred would be when a source quoted that â€Å"Gaga slams Adele all the time, even calling her a fat cow†. Adele is a modern day artist that literally promotes difference, as she is evidently larger than most other pop stars today. This may raise the idea that Gaga is becoming threatening by Adele due to the similarity in advocating difference and may be what is developing into commercial envy. Overall this implication is reflecting on Gaga’s fans because it shows that even though she advocates difference, it really doesn’t mean huge difference, just enough to appear different with the aim of financially capitalising on this idea. The way in which is advocating different also raises an implication on the music industry as a whole. It is a well known fact that unless an artist is expected to make money for the record label, they won’t be signed. This raises how they have formulas, which have proved successful in the past, and therefore how Gaga must fit into this formula This is further implications on the music industry as a whole as well. Because Gaga’s success has proven that the formula works, more and more acts are conforming to this idea of utilising a brand image of appearing different for commercial success. Another example would be One Direction. Similar to Gaga, they are also a product in the way that they are in the business of selling not only their music but also her image with a consumer driven formula. They claim to be â€Å"different from boybands past† but it is evident they have the same boy band pop music with a human driven personality similar to the likes of Backstreet Boys etc. This shows how modern day music is about trivial differences that are clearly not that much different and as long as management companies portray the image of the likes of Gaga and One Direction that they are different then the fans will believe it despite them all following the same money making formula that is truly tested throughout the years. The use of this formula raises the issue of longevity. When there is an increase in the use of the difference idea, there becomes a slight problem of repetition. If too many stars consistently advocate difference then in comparison the idea of difference doesn’t become as ground breaking and instead the new normal. Consequently, the press and also her audience may become bored of this idea of difference leading to a decline in popularity. As well as this, it again raises what the future may hold for the music industry. If teenagers are growing up yearning to be different yet the same as their idols it shows that how in the future we may e moving to an even more on sided one dimension celebrity culture where everyone is essentially the same yet trivially different to everyone else. Examples can be seen through the latest artists created through the X Factor USA especially in the Girl’s category. Similarities have been spotted between Cece Frey and Ke$ha. The way in which she is creating an animal branding to herself is incredibly similar to Ke$ha when she first began. This creates the allusion that Cece is different to her counterparts where in fact she is not as she still sings mainstream music. Gaga is known to be one of the acts to lead the way in this brand and cult establishment for fans and since her success, the X Factor is one of the singing talent shows which have followed her in doing the same thing to their contestants. A contestant with a sob story is more likely to do better than say a contestant with a quality voice. By having a story behind them, contestants can engage with their audiences and manipulate their emotions leading to them becoming more relatable to their audience. This raises how the music industry has become less about the music and rather the personality attached to it showing how it has evolved. A whole package is what budding artists need to be rather than just having the voice and in the future, people with real talent will be less represented. * Marketing and promotion is a way in which Lady Gaga spreads awareness of her design to establish and maintain the relationship she had with her fans. She achieves this in two main ways including social media and music videos, other ways are concerts, publicity stunts, merchandise and albums. Firstly modern day pop stars because of its accessibility and also how it allows direct contact between celebrities and their fans use social media widely. Twitter is a medium, which Gaga uses frequently. She was the first user to reach 10 million followers in May 2010 and had consistently been the top most viewed profile on the website. Despite sending on average 2 tweets a day, â€Å"Goodnight little monsters† is an example of a tweet which enables her to maintain this important relationship she had with her fans. Tweets like this make her fans believe they are part of her life and also that she cares about them. Consequently, fans feel special and buy into the idea of supporting her. Now, especially with the feature of Twitter with the ability to send tweets straight to mobile phones, a close bond between her and her fans is established because it makes them believe she is talking to the specially. As well as Twitter, her website is a way in which she targets her fanbase alone. It is by invite only, which is significant because it makes fans feel part of her inner circle and therefore increasing the closeness fans feel of the relationship. Also because she targets those who are different and on the fringe of society, and therefore presumed to be not included, by including them she is making sure that they feel included. She plays on the insecurity in everyone in that we have a desire to be included and therefore develops the idea she cares for the genuinely and in return should support her. Music videos are another way Gaga develops a relationship with her fans. Her music video for Telephone is a great example. 9 minutes in length, it had multiple occasions of product placement such as Wonder White Bread or HP Computers. Both of these features increase the views of her video and therefore awareness of her because it is different. The more views a music video has the more likely it will appear as a promoted video. This attracts more people that are not necessarily in her fanbase already and allows for more people to become her fans. Particularly the product placement, which turns her video into a game where people spot the different brands, views and awareness, is definitely achieved. Though product placement has a direct link to a profit motive, it also helps Gaga to develop a relationship with her fans. By promoting certain brands, her fans are more inclined to purchase them as they feel if they do they are better fans or similar to Gaga as they consume and like the same products. Meanwhile, those companies as well as Gaga are further benefiting financially from it. As well as that because her music videos are usually released to her website first rather than the likes of MTV. She is further improving the relationship because she is showing them that she really cares about them and is therefore rewarding their support with something tangible before the rest of the world. There are again several implications from her marketing and promotion. Firstly, the idea of social media pacing the way for a false relationship between idols and their fans has its own implication. The idea that an idol will reply to your tweets can be likened to a carrot analogy. The accessibility of social networking sites makes fans believe that one day they will notice them, if not today then tomorrow or the next day. This creates a false perception of the relationship fans have with Gaga. In the meantime, by using social networking sites they are freely promoting Gaga as a brand and as a product. Therefore it shows how Gaga is the one benefiting form the use of social networking financially where as the fans are being taken advantage of due to their free publicity for her. What used to be the job of management companies and what they had to pay thousands for in the past can now be done for free by her fans. Additionally, social media fosters the idea that pop stars are working for them. This is because when artists leak things like album artwork, or snippets of new songs, they automatically get feedback on social networking sites without directly asking for it and make changes accordingly. As a result, fans believe that their artist work to please them and because they are so wrapped up in the idea of them they ignore the real purpose behind the changes which is to increase sales and financial return for her record label and herself leading to manipulation of the trust between Gaga and her fans. Other pop acts such as Justin Bieber and One Direction use them in similar ways. Furthermore, there are social worries attached to this use of social media. There is a distortion of the idea that teenagers actually have this connection with their idols where in fact they haven’t. There then becomes a dependency of them on their idols with some fans even going as far as saying â€Å"Gaga saved my life† or similar claims. This is an issue due to the impacts this could have on them if their idol was to not be in the industry anymore. Besides other artists utilising social media for promotion and marketing of themselves, businesses have also followed Gaga in this way. Large businesses in New Zealand from banks such as ASB with 6300 followers to Vodafone with over 23 and a half thousand followers are beginning to capitalise on the use of social media for business also. E-commerce has become a huge part of business and more and more companies are aiming to create the relationship with their audience and target markets through these social media outlets in the effort to become more relatable and ultimately earn more sales from it. A issue becomes prominent as society becomes too over exposed to commercialisation and it becomes less about the product itself but how it’s sold to us sways whether we purchase it or not. Music videos also have their own implications. As said in an article by Jezbel. com, â€Å"If anything, he video simply amplifies what music videos have been all along: a giant commercial for an artist to sell records with† and this is more than true with Gaga but as well as selling music, music videos are also helping he sell concert tickets. Concerts are where the majority of the money is made in the modern industry due to the increase in piracy. Consequently, her music videos become promotion to her concerts and activitely act as a preview of what you can expect from her concert. An example would be the costume changes throughout her video for telephone. She changes from a telephone headpiece to a leopard print leotard. The multiple costume changes not only put into practice what she preaches but it becomes a preview of what fans can expect from her concerts which is excessive costume changes. This ultimately shows how the more physical products music artists make, the more they are just trying to increase their sales of other things in the effort to earn more money from their fans. The same conclusion could then be drawn from the latest thing of having lyric videos for singles could just be an encouragement for fans to purchase something else to increase the commercial success for artists and their labels. This raises a more significant implication of how more and more mediums are being created for fans to buy into and the impulsive buying from fans are further increasing the profits made from Gaga as a brand. Fans tend to buy merchandise and anything with their idols on them in the effort to prove they are the biggest fans and again like music, they are tangible things in which artists sell and no doubt contributed to Gaga’s $90 million dollar profit last year (according to Forbes).